Cleckheaton Health Centre – General Reception Call this number for appointments with: Podiatry Phlebotomy (blood tests) | 0303 003 4542 |
Dewsbury District Hospital | 0844 8118110 |
Locala Walk-in Centre (based in the A&E Dept. at Dewsbury Hospital) | 01924 542695 |
Child Health / Health Visitors / School Nurses | 0303 330 9820 |
District Nurses | 0300 304 5555 |
Contraception and Sexual Health (CaSH) | 0303 330 9981 |
CHART – Kirklees Drug and Alcohol Service (formerly LifeLine) | 01484 353333 |
Gateway to Care | 01484 414933 |
Police (for non-emergencies) | 101 |
Citizen’s Advice Bureau | 0344 848 7970 |
Samaritans | 116 123 |
Relate (Marriage Guidance) | 0300 100 1234 |
Childline | 0800 1111 |