Information for Diabetic Patients
As you are probably aware, there have been several changes to the way we, as a practice, deliver your diabetic care. As our nursing team has developed, we have tried to benefit both patients and staff in the way your care is shared between our Healthcare Assistants (HCA) and our Practice Nurses.
As you receive your reminder letter that, either your review or Annual Assessment is due, an appointment with one of our Healthcare Assistants is needed. This allows for blood tests and other measurements to be recorded such as BP, weight etc. Our HCA will then arrange for your follow up appointment with one of the Practice Nurses.
Our annual assessments are now structured in a way which allows you to have time, before the appointment with the Nurse, to review your results as they are now posted out to you prior to attending. The “Care Planning Appointment” is for you, along with the Nurse, to plan your care in the next year and to discuss goals which will reduce, as much as possible, the associated health risks linked to diabetes. It is your Care Plan to fill in as you wish.
Along with the “new” system, we now have to record your average blood sugar readings in a different way. We sent out information two years ago stating that this would happen, however the time has now arrived when results will no longer be recorded as a %, which we all knew as HbA1c. The measurement is mol/mol so readings look significantly higher but does not mean there is more glucose in your blood.
When you are next at the surgery please ask for the original information leaflet which explains things a little further.