Repeat Prescriptions
We have a computerised system for patients who require regular supplies of medication. This ensures that all prescriptions are correctly written and automatically checked against your records. It is helpful, safer and will avoid mistakes if you use the order slip attached to each prescription. To use the slip, tick each item that you require.
You can request repeat prescriptions in writing only (except in special circumstances). This avoids errors in preparing your prescription.
If you do not have an order slip, please write down the following details on a slip available at Reception:
- Your name.
- Your date of birth.
- Names of all items required
- Dose or strengths and the number of times a day each item is needed
Written requests should be put in the box provided in the waiting room or posted to the surgery. If return postage of a prescription is required,please enclose a S.A.E.
Please request a repeat prescription at least 2 days before it is needed.
You can now request repeat prescriptions on-line via the link on this page
Please allow 2 working days before collecting your prescription.
Local pharmacies also offer a collection and delivery service—ask at your usual pharmacy.
Medication Reviews
Patients on regular medication will be reviewed every year in the month of their birthday. This will be done either in surgery or by telephone by the Doctor, nurse or practice pharmacist.