Our Patient Charter
In July 2015 NHS England published The NHS Constitution, a document which outlines the rights, expectations and obligations of patients and staff.
The following lists set out what our patients can expect from our Practice, and what we expect from our patients in return.
You can expect us to:
- Treat you with respect and dignity at all times
- Protect your privacy and maintain confidentiality at all times
- Provide a safe and clean environment for you to be treated
- Provide the most appropriate care for your needs, which may include signposting you to other specialists as well as GPs (i.e. nurses, healthcare assistants, pharmacists or health and wellbeing practitioners)
- Listen, advise and signpost patients to appropriate services
- Provide a mixture of telephone consultations and face to face appointments, both on the day and bookable in advance with GPs and nurse practitioners
- Offer appointments in advance for practice nurses and healthcare assistants
- Aim to deal with medically urgent problems on the same day
- Provide a variety of options to book an appointment such as by telephone, face to face or online
- Provide multiple ways of ordering prescriptions including online, face to face, prescriptions box outside the surgery
We expect you to:
- Follow guidance on booking appointments, as documented in our new patient registration pack and on our website
- Contact the surgery as early as possible to arrange an appointment if you are feeling unwell
- Contact the surgery before 11am if a home visit is required
- Attend your appointments on time or let us know if you are unable to attend
- Treat our staff with respect – we will not tolerate any abusive or aggressive behaviour
- Consider whether other options are appropriate before contacting the surgery, i.e. self-care, online information, pharmacist
- Call the surgery for appointments, urgent medication or if you are waiting for an appointment and your health deteriorates rather than attending A&E, unless life is at risk
- Be patient during busy times and remember that if the clinic is running late, it may be you that needs extra time on your next visit
- Order your repeat prescriptions in a timely manner, allowing a minimum of 2 working days for requests to be processed
- Help us to maintain our records by informing us if you change your address or telephone number