All practice staff are trained in information security and confidentiality. There are strict rules in place to make sure your information is safe, whether it is on paper or computer files. Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.
Anyone who received information from your Doctor is under a legal obligation to keep it confidential. Your Doctor needs information about you to be able to treat you, or decide if they need to see you again.
It may be shared with other organisations involved in your care should it be necessary, for example
- To help protect the health of the public generally. A GP is required by law to notify the Government of diseases such as meningitis and measles.
- To investigate complaints of legal claims (with your consent).
- To pass on information which we must do by law, such as to notify a birth or death.
- For research purposes (with your consent)
Your information may be used in anonymous form (this means details which would identify you are removed e.g.:
- To carry out other health research by use of statistics
- To plan for the future—this includes sending information to other NHS organisations and Dept. of Health.
Your Doctor will only ever pass on information about you if it is in your interest with regard to your health, or it is thought to be in the best interest of safeguarding your child.
The Practice is registered with the Information Commission with the Data Protection Act 1988.