Seasonal Influenza Vaccinations 2022
Flu vaccinations will be available in surgery from October 2022. You will be sent an invitation by text message to book your appointment. Please make sure that we have your correct mobile number as it’s important that we are able to keep you up to date with all of our services in this way.
Eligible patients include:
- Anyone aged 65 years or over
- Anyone aged between 50 and 64 years old
- Adults aged 18 – 64 years with a long term condition (i.e. Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, Heart Disease, etc.)
- Children aged 6 months to 17 years with a long term condition
- All well children aged 2 or 3 years old on 31st August 2022
Well children of school age will be offered the vaccine at school – we are unable to vaccinate children of school age without a long term condition. If your child has a long term condition and is offered the vaccine at school, they may have it there to prevent the need for attending the surgery.