Removal of Patients from the List

As GPs we also have the right to ask a patient on our list to find another Doctor’s surgery.  We would only do this in exceptional circumstances and only after considerable discussion between all the partners (and the Practice Manager if appropriate).

Broadly speaking, our reason for requesting somebody to find another Doctor to look after them would be if we felt that the relationship between the patient and the doctor had broken down to such an extent that the mutual trust which is essential in all our dealings with patients, has been lost on either side.

We never remove patients from our list on the grounds of age or because their treatment is “too expensive”.

Examples of situations in which we may consider asking  a patient to find a new Doctor include:

  • Aggressive behaviour, threats of or actual violence.
  • Repeatedly not attending appointments without cancelling them.
  • Evidence of prescriptions being altered by a patient (which is illegal).
  • Evidence of Statements of Fitness to work being altered by a patient (which is illegal)

We would always do our best to discuss any problems with the patient concerned before reaching the point of asking them to find another Doctor.

Violence or threats to any member of the team

We are never prepared to tolerate violence, or threats of violence, or verbal abuse to any member of our team. In the event of actual violence within the surgery building, we would always inform the Police immediately. We would always press charges in this situation.

Threats of violence for whatever reason, are extremely frightening for our staff and other patients who may witness them. For this reason we feel that such behaviour is unacceptable, and a reason to ask someone to find a new Doctor immediately or be registered with the Safe Haven Service in Huddersfield.